Migration From Elide 6

Elide 6 documentation can be found here. Elide 5 documentation can be found here. Elide 4 documentation can be found here.

New Features in Elide 7.X

Elide 7 is a major dependency upgrade including the following key updates:

  • Elide now builds with Java 17
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.X
  • Upgrade to Hibernate 6.X
  • Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.X
  • Migrate from javax to jakarta
  • Upgrade to Jetty 11.X
  • Upgrade to Jersey 3.1.X
  • Upgrade to Swagger 2.X

API Changes

API Versioning Strategies

Elide 7 includes implementations for the following API Versioning Strategies

  • Path
  • Header
  • Parameters
  • Media Type Profile

This can be customized by implementing and registering a com.yahoo.elide.core.request.route.RouteResolver.

The default in Elide Spring Boot is now using the Path strategy instead of using the ApiVersion header. The Path strategy is the only one that is supported when integrating with Springdoc as the other strategies are difficult to document with OpenAPI.

This can be configured back to the previous defaults using application.yaml.

      enabled: false
      enabled: true
      - ApiVersion

The default in Elide Standalone now accepts all the strategies.

This can be configured back to the previous defaults using the following.

public abstract class Settings implements ElideStandaloneSettings {
    public RouteResolver getRouteResolver() {
        new HeaderRouteResolver("ApiVersion");

Elide Settings

The ElideSettingsBuilder has been changed to be more consistent with the other Lombok builders and to allow easier customization over the defaults instead of replacing it.

For Elide Spring Boot the default settings can be customized using a ElideSettingsBuilderCustomizer, JsonApiSettingsBuilderCustomizer, GraphQLSettingsBuilderCustomizer or AsyncSettingsBuilderCustomizer.

The following code only modifies the defaultMaxPageSize.

public class ElideConfiguration {
    ElideSettingsBuilderCustomizer elideSettingsBuilderCustomizer() {
        return builder -> builder.defaultMaxPageSize(1000);

For Elide Standalone the default settings can be customized by overriding the getElideSettingsBuilder(), getJsonApiSettingsBuilder(), getGraphQLSettingsBuilder() or getAsyncSettingsBuilder() methods in ElideStandaloneSettings.

The following code only modifies the defaultMaxPageSize.

public abstract class Settings implements ElideStandaloneSettings {
    public ElideSettingsBuilder getElideSettingsBuilder(
            EntityDictionary dictionary,
            DataStore dataStore,
            JsonApiMapper mapper) {
        return ElideStandaloneSettings.super.getElideSettingsBuilder(

Request Scope

The com.yahoo.elide.core.security.RequestScope interface has changed to be able to return a Route. This replaces the getApiVersion(), getRequestHeaderByName(), getBaseUrlEndPoint() and getQueryParams() methods.

The JSON-API relevant fields in com.yahoo.elide.core.RequestScope have been moved to com.yahoo.elide.jsonapi.JsonApiRequestScope.

Exception Handling

The ErrorMapper which mapped an exception to a CustomErrorException has been replaced by an ExceptionMapper that maps an exception to an ElideErrorResponse which contains ElideErrors as a body.

The ElideErrors will be mapped to the corresponding JsonApiErrors and GraphQLErrors. The JsonApiError and GraphQLError are what is serialized as a response.

This mapping of ElideErrors happens in the DefaultJsonApiExceptionHandler and DefaultGraphQLExceptionHandler using the JsonApiErrorMapper and GraphQLErrorMapper.

The following is an example of a custom implementation of an ExceptionMapper.

public class InvalidEntityBodyExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<InvalidEntityBodyException, ElideErrors> {
    public ElideErrorResponse<ElideErrors> toErrorResponse(InvalidEntityBodyException exception, ErrorContext errorContext) {
        return ElideErrorResponse.badRequest()
                .errors(errors -> errors
                        // Add the first error
                        .error(error -> error
                                .message(errorContext.isVerbose() ? exception.getMessage() : "Invalid entity body")
                                .attribute("code", "InvalidEntityBody")
                                .attribute("body", ""))
                        // Add the second error
                        .error(error -> error
                                .message("Item 1 cannot be empty")
                                .attribute("code", "NotEmpty")
                                .attribute("item", "1"))
                        // Add the third error
                        .error(error -> error
                                .message("Item 2 cannot be null")
                                .attribute("code", "NotNull")
                                .attribute("item", "2")));

The following is the relationship between ElideError and JsonApiError and GraphQLError.

Elide Error JsonApi Error GraphQL Error
message details message
attributes meta extensions
attributes.id id extensions.id
attributes.status status extensions.status
attributes.code code extensions.code
attributes.title title extensions.title
attributes.source source extensions.source
attributes.links links extensions.links
attributes.path meta.path path
attributes.locations meta.locations locations

Constraint Violation

Previously the property path that caused the constraint violation can be found on source.property. For JSON-API errors this is now at meta.property. For GraphQL errors this is now at extensions.property.


The JSON-API processing logic in com.yahoo.elide.Elide have been moved to com.yahoo.elide.jsonapi.JsonApi.

Spring Boot 3

Spring Boot 3 introduces a number of changes in both classes and configuration, now builds with Java 17, and migrates to Hibernate 6. This guide provides details about how to migrate.


Hibernate 6 moves away from javax.persistence to jakarta.persistence among other changes. This guide provides details about how to migrate.

Hiberate Search 6 introduces an entirely new API including model annotations. This guide provides details about how to migrate.

Swagger 2 / OpenAPI 3

The migration to Swagger 2 to support OpenAPI 3 completely replaces the older annotations that were used for Swagger 1. For instance the @ApiModel and @ApiModelProperty annotations have both been replaced by @Schema. An overview of the changes in OpenAPI 3 can be found here.

Configuration Properties

With Elide 7 a few configuration properties were renamed.

Old New
elide.aggregation-store.enable-meta-data-store elide.aggregation-store.metadata-store.enabled
elide.aggregation-store.default-cache-expiration-minutes elide.aggregation-store.query-cache.expiration
elide.aggregation-store.query-cache-maximum-entries elide.aggregation-store.query-cache.max-size
elide.async.max-async-after-seconds elide.async.max-async-after
elide.async.cleanup-enabled elide.async.cleanup.enabled
elide.async.max-run-time-seconds elide.async.cleanup.query-max-run-time
elide.async.query-cleanup-days elide.async.cleanup.query-retention-duration
elide.async.query-cancellation-interval-seconds elide.async.cleanup.query-cancellation-check-interval
elide.dynamic-config elide.aggregation-store.dynamic-config
elide.dynamic-config.config-api-enabled elide.aggregation-store.dynamic-config.config-api.enabled
elide.export.extension-enabled elide.export.append-file-extension
elide.export.skipCSVHeader elide.export.format.csv.write-header
elide.graphql.enable-federation elide.graphql.federation.enabled
elide.jsonapi.enable-links elide.jsonapi.links.enabled
elide.subscription elide.graphql.subscription
elide.subscription.connection-timeout-ms elide.graphql.subscription.connection-timeout
elide.subscription.idle-timeout-ms elide.graphql.subscription.idle-timeout
elide.subscription.publish-enabled elide.graphql.subscription.publishing.enabled
elide.strip-authorizaton-headers elide.strip-authorization-headers

Converting Durations

The properties indicating a duration are now specified using java.time.Duration. For instance a configuration value of 7d indicates 7 days and 300s indicates 300 seconds.

The following are the supported units

  • ns for nanoseconds
  • us for microseconds
  • ms for milliseconds
  • s for seconds
  • m for minutes
  • h for hours
  • d for days